Answering questions from contact lens wearers
Let´s see the American Optometric Association answers to some common contact lens users doubts.
1. What is the best contact lens care system?
There are many different types of contact lens care systems, but the basic two types are multipurpose care solutions and hydrogen peroxide care solutions. These types of solutions all have different recommendations for use depending on the manufacturer.
Pay attention to this: lens materials and contact lens solutions can interact, which can also affect the disinfection process. Generic (or store brand) contact lens solutions may have been formulated for older lens materials; new lens materials have different chemical compositions and may not be compatible with generic solutions. If you want to change your contact lens care system, call a doctor of optometry first to make sure it is safe for the particular type of contact lenses that you wear.
2. Do I need to rub my contact lenses when I take them out?
Yes, you do
Recent evidence conclusively demonstrated that rubbing and rinsing the lens after wear provides the safest lens wear for all contact lenses and care systems currently on the market.
3. Are my solutions good past the expiration date?
No, they are not.
Contact lens solutions should never be used after the expiration date listed on the packaging. In addition to that, the bottles are labeled with a discard date. The discard date is the date the solution should be thrown out after opening (typically within 90 days but varies depending on the manufacturer and solution type). Remember, contact lens solutions are extremely important for the contact lens insertion process.
4. Can I use any lubricants or red-eye drops with contact lenses?
You need to be careful.
Any eye drops not approved for contact lens wear can cause damage to both the contact lens and the eye. Stay away from drops that claim to “get the red out,” as they typically contain chemicals that may be detrimental to your long-term eye health. Preservative-free eye drops, in general, are very safe to use with contact lenses.
5. Is it okay to use tap water to insert or store my lenses?
No. Tap water contains micro-organisms which can lead to serious eye infections and loss of vision.
You should never use tap water in any area of your lens care, including rinsing the lenses and the lens case. Do not attempt to make your own homemade saline or contact lens solutions
To finish, we recommend you complement your contact lens care equipment with an inserting a removing device or contact lens plunger. The CHIO is a wonderful option for that.
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