Eye infections from Contact Lenses use
Causes, Symptoms and treatment of contact lens–related infections.

How to insert contact lenses? How to remove contact lenses?
In the following lines, we present you the steps recommended by experts from the Kellogg Eye Center in the University of Michigan to insert and remove rigid contact lenses using only your hands. Likewise, we will show you a video with the steps to insert and remove your lenses using the CHIO.

Answering questions from contact lens wearers
Solving some doubts from contact lenses users

Recommendations for contact lens wearers
These tips will help you to take care of your contact lenses and your eyes health.

Cliara Robot: Contact Lens Insertion and Removal Apparatus
Craig Hershoff invented a robot that he hopes will help people with dexterity issues insert and remove their contact lenses.

Tips to protect yourself and others from the spread of the COVID-19
In this post we present some Covid-19 prevention measures, according to the World Health Organization.

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